Podcasts were confusing to me--I really don't know why you would use the ones I viewed in the math section in a math class. Math factor was a music video and the relation to math was so abstract that my resource math students would not understand the relationship--maybe a few gifted students might. Mathgrad was taught by a college professor and related to college concepts, some that I would have trouble with especially since it was all audio and no pictures or visual explanations at all. The third video was Dansmathcast and again it was college level and without visual explanation.
My students need a great deal of visual and kinestetic stimulation and video does that. I am pretty sure that videos are also a form of podcast because they call TeacherTube a podcast. TeacherTube has videos that are cute, even though you have to look pretty hard to find them in math. I would only use one to vary instruction.
I certainly need visuals to understand math!