Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thing #23

I think I may have enjoyed this "thing" the most and you can color me surprised. In joining Facebook, I have more mail than I can say grace over in just 24 hours. I can't believe that it actually excited my children, sister, and various and sundry cousins. I haven't even told them all that I'm on yet!

In the 23rd thing, I found that Facebook has groups of teachers that I can collaborate with to further my technology skills or to share classroom resources or tips. That will be easy to keep up with--can't wait to join a group.

I'm still waiting for my membership in Classroom 2.0 to be approved, but that site also has groups that would be fun to participate in.

I'm still thinking about how to use these sites with my students. I've toyed with the idea of inviting my students to join me on Facebook. I can see how this might help me connect to them on a level other than the classroom thus helping to build relationships. I can also see how I might come to regret the action--we'll see. Again, there are sites on Facebook that will give me suggestions on how to involve my students.

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